Category Question
Suction CupsQ: What length should I cut my Top Seals?
A: For the cut lengths for both your Top and Bottom Seals, see the link here for instructions on how to replace your seal. There you will find a chart to reference the cut lengths.
Location DevicesQ: Can Locating Pins be used as fences?
A: No, Locating Pins can not be used as fences. They are not designed to withstand any significant amount of force. See the link here to see our line of Vacuum Fences
FittingsQ: How do I properly remove tubing?
A: Push in the collar of the fitting until it clicks, then pull out the tubing. Pulling out the tubing without pushing down the collar will damage the fitting.
Services & RepairsQ: Do you guys do repairs?
A: Yes, we do. Go to the link here to see how to get your BLICK tools fixed.
Services & RepairsQ: I have "ghosting" on my piece, how do I prevent this?
A: Here's how; see the link here

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